Affordable Housing
9 houses were sold as affordable at Parcnagowan, Waterford Road, Kilkenny, Piltown, Fiddown and Urlingford. A total of € 1,385,850 was advanced for loans on these houses.
Affordable Housing at Clonmore Hall
Estate Management & Community Development
- Pre-Tenancy Course held with all new tenants of Council dwellings before occupation.
- Liaison with Community Committees (122 hours), delivery of training and increase of committees from 7 to 30.
- Expenditure of Estate Enhancement Funding, Estate Management Budget on RAPID designated estates and local authority estates across the City and County, and liaison on expenditure of Local Authority grant funding.
- Launch of Annual Estate Management Conference.
- Development of Estate Management Policy Document.
- Promotion of affiliation to Community and Voluntary Forum and Group Insurance Scheme.
- Allocation of €200K Funding under Dormant Accounts for extension to Community House Hebron Park.
- 46 Disabled Persons Grants were paid out to disabled persons to assist them in undertaking necessary renovation works. Total Expenditure: € 400,000.
- 31 Essential Repairs Grants were paid to elderly persons to assist them with essential repairs to their dwelling. Total Expenditure € 69,700.
Homeless Assistance
A total of € 273,719 was expended on accommodation for homeless persons.
Funding was provided to;
- The Good Shepherd Centre which provides accommodation for homeless men.
- The Women's Refuge Centre for support and accommodation to women and children rendered homeless as a result of domestic violence.
Housing Loans
- 11 Shared Ownership loans and 5 annuity loans were paid in 2006.
- 8 house improvement loans were paid out in 2006.
- 36 tenants purchased their homes under the Tenant Purchase Scheme with 5 availing of loans from Kilkenny County Council.
- A total of € 3,362,200 was paid out on housing loans.
Housing and Accommodation
Kilkenny County Council adopts a pro-active and flexible approach in meeting the challenge of providing accommodation for those in need and assisting others who can afford it, to obtain their own accommodation.
Kilkenny County Council actively promotes all schemes available in the interest of providing housing accommodation to its customers.
Housing Support Services
Kilkenny County Council opened a new office at John's Gate, Barrack Street, Kilkenny during 2006. This office provides advice and support services to the Traveller Community, Homeless Persons, Local Authority Tenants and Housing applicants. RAS is also administered from this location. The Council's Social Worker, Tenant Liaison Officer and Estate Management Officer can be contacted at this office. (056-7794399)
Housing Construction / Acquistion Programme
- 28 New houses were completed by Kilkenny County Council at: Urlingford (9), Kilkenny City - Loughboy (6), Kilkenny City - St Mary's Crescent, Hebron Rd (5) and Moneenroe (2).
- 28 New houses were provided through Part V at: Kilkenny - Parcnagowan (20), Callan (4), Piltown (2) and Fiddown (2).
- 163 houses i.e. Housing Construction Programme (77) and Part V (86) were under construction at 31st December 2006.
- There were 18 casual vacancies during 2006.
- Kilkenny County Council purchased properties on the open market for allocation - 36 sales were completed at end of 2006.
- Renovation works were completed on 1 private dwelling under the Improvement Works in Lieu of Housing Scheme (Ballyneale, New Ross).
Official Opening of New Social Houses at The Village Green, Paulstown.
Private Rented Sector
Under the new Residential Tenancies Act 2004 Registration of tenancies in private rented accommodation is now being operated by the Private Residential Tenancies Board (PRTB). All Landlords must register each tenant in their respective rented accommodation at a cost of €70 per tenancy - renewable only if there is a change of tenant.
Kilkenny County Council has responsibility for the enforcement of the Regulations under the Housing Acts relating to rent books and standards of private rental accommodation. Total of 11 inspections on private rented accommodation was carried out by Kilkenny County Council.
Kilkenny County Council commenced administration of the Rental Accomodation Scheme (RAS). This scheme applies to people who are in receipt of rent supplement for more than 18 months and who are in need of long term housing. The Council transferred 102 tenancies to RAS during 2006.
Voluntary Housing Scheme
- 6 units were completed under The Capital Assistance Scheme at Mill Lane, Callan.
- 5 projects are under construction at Ballyhale (10 units), Kilmacow (7 Units), Moate Lane, Callan (4 units), and Moneenroe (8 units).
- 2 projects received approval to proceed at Loughboy and William St, Kilkenny.
- Total expenditure in 2006 was € 2,476,000.
Housing Highlights
- 82 families were housed by Kilkenny County Council in 2006
- 38 housing loans were advanced in 2006 which included home improvement loans.
- 77 housing grants were paid in 2006.
St Mary's group housing scheme Hebron Road (Traveller Accomodation Programme)